

id: A unique identifier for each movie, assigned by IMDB

title: The name of each movie

runtime: The length of the movie, in minutes

genres: The genres of a movie, comma separated

release_date: The date that the movie was released, YYYY-MM-DD

rating: The average IMDB user rating for the movie

num_ratings: The number of IMDB user ratings for the movie

metascore: The Metacritic score for the movie.

age_rating: The age rating for the movie. Has values like "R, PG-13, Unrated"

country: Pipe "|" delimited list of all countries where the movie was at least partially produced.

language: Pipe "|" delimited list of all languages the film was translated into.

budget: The budget of the movie. -1 corresponds to the budget not being listed.

gross_usa: The gross revenue the movie earned in the US. -1 corresponds to the revenue not being listed.

gross_global: The gross revenue the movie earned, internationally. -1 corresponds to the revenue not being listed.

is_color: True if the movie was released in color, False if the movie was not.